Heuchera \'crimson Curls\' - 2 Heuchera Plants In 2 Litre Pots
Heuchera \'crimson Curls\' - 2 Heuchera Plants In 2 Litre Pots: Your garden will love the rich red-wine colouring of the foliage of Heuchera ?Crimson Curls?. The curled leaves of...

Heuchera \'crimson Curls\' - 1 Heuchera Plant In 2 Litre Pot
Heuchera \'crimson Curls\' - 1 Heuchera Plant In 2 Litre Pot: Your garden will love the rich red-wine colouring of the foliage of Heuchera ?Crimson Curls?. The curled leaves of...

Heuchera Villosa \'palace Purple\' (large Plant) - 2 Heuchera Pla...
Heuchera Villosa \'palace Purple\' (large Plant) - 2 Heuchera Plants In 2 Litre Pots: A popular heuchera producing rich, glossy burgundy leaves followed by airy sprays of salmon-pink flowers. This...

Heuchera \'obsidian\' (large Plant) - 2 Heuchera Plants In 1 Litre Pots
Heuchera \'obsidian\' (large Plant) - 2 Heuchera Plants In 1 Litre Pots: Heuchera 'Obsidian' makes a bold statement, with fine sprays of creamy-white flowers that stand out against...

Heuchera \'stormy Seas\' (large Plant) - 2 Heuchera Plants In 2 Litre Pots
Heuchera \'stormy Seas\' (large Plant) - 2 Heuchera Plants In 2 Litre Pots: Heuchera 'Stormy Seas' is a resilient, easy to grow plant, making it ideal for ground cover in tricky areas of...

Heuchera \'berry Smoothie\' (large Plant) - 2 Heuchera Plants In ...
Heuchera \'berry Smoothie\' (large Plant) - 2 Heuchera Plants In 1 Litre Pots: A truly amazing Heuchera! Vibrant raspberry-pink leaves mature to a fruity purple-pink with attractive...

Heuchera \'melting Fire\' (large Plant) - 2 Heuchera Plants In 2 Litre Pots
Heuchera \'melting Fire\' (large Plant) - 2 Heuchera Plants In 2 Litre Pots: Heuchera hybrida 'Melting Fire' features attractive coral flowers above deeply curled, rich red foliage that...

Heuchera \'chocolate Ruffles\' (large Plant) - 2 Heuchera Plants ...
Heuchera \'chocolate Ruffles\' (large Plant) - 2 Heuchera Plants In 1 Litre Pots: Heuchera 'Chocolate Ruffles' produces luxurious mounds of rich chocolate-coloured foliage, with contrasting...

Heuchera \'prince Of Silver\' (large Plant) - 2 Heuchera Plants I...
Heuchera \'prince Of Silver\' (large Plant) - 2 Heuchera Plants In 2 Litre Pots: A fantastic foliage plant, Heuchera 'Prince of Silver' produces large silvery leaves veined with dark purple....

Heuchera \'marmalade\' (large Plant) - 2 Heuchera Plants In 1 Litre Pots
Heuchera \'marmalade\' (large Plant) - 2 Heuchera Plants In 1 Litre Pots: Heuchera 'Marmalade' dazzles with its leaves, with mounds of crimped, bronze-pink foliage maturing to a...

Daylily \'crimson Pirate\' (large Plant) - 2 Daylily Plants In 1 Litre Pots
Daylily \'crimson Pirate\' (large Plant) - 2 Daylily Plants In 1 Litre Pots: Daylily 'Crimson Pirate' produces striking pillar-box red flowers with a yellow throat that each last a...

Chrysanthemum X Hortorum \'anastasia\' (large Plant) - 2 Chrysant...
Chrysanthemum X Hortorum \'anastasia\' (large Plant) - 2 Chrysanthemum Plants In 1 Litre Pots: Chrysanths are essential perennials for autumn colour, and Chrysanthemum x hortorum 'Anastasia' is one of the...

Clematis \'westerplatte\' (large Plant) - 2 Clematis Plants In 3 Litre Pots
Clematis \'westerplatte\' (large Plant) - 2 Clematis Plants In 3 Litre Pots: Clematis 'Westerplatte' is one of the few available cultivars of clematis that are red in colour. This clematis...

Heucherella \'redstone Falls\' (large Plant) - 2 Heucherella Plan...
Heucherella \'redstone Falls\' (large Plant) - 2 Heucherella Plants In 1 Litre Pots: As superb perennial with vigorous trailing stems cloaked with evergreen foliage, Heucherella 'Redstone Falls'...

Penstemon \'etna\' (large Plant) - 2 Penstemon Plants In 1 Litre Pots
Penstemon \'etna\' (large Plant) - 2 Penstemon Plants In 1 Litre Pots: Penstemon 'Etna' is part of the ?Volcano? series, and bears bell-shaped crimson-pink flowers with...

Poppy \'beauty Of Livermere\' (large Plant) - 2 Papaver Plants In...
Poppy \'beauty Of Livermere\' (large Plant) - 2 Papaver Plants In 1 Litre Pots: Poppy 'Beauty of Livermere' is a wonderful plant for cottage garden style borders. This Oriental Poppy has...

Erica Carnea \'myretoun Ruby\' (large Plant) - 2 Erica Plants In ...
Erica Carnea \'myretoun Ruby\' (large Plant) - 2 Erica Plants In 2 Litre Pots: Erica 'Myretoun Ruby' is an attractive evergreen heather that is recognised as a worthy RHS Award of Garden...

Clematis \'kardynal Wyszynski\' (large Plant) - 2 Clematis Plants...
Clematis \'kardynal Wyszynski\' (large Plant) - 2 Clematis Plants In 3 Litre Pots: Clematis ?Kardynal Wsyzynski' is a late-flowering variety, producing large, single, dusky-crimson flowers...

Calluna Vulgaris \'dark Star\' (large Plant) - 2 Calluna Plants I...
Calluna Vulgaris \'dark Star\' (large Plant) - 2 Calluna Plants In 2 Litre Pots: Heathers, or Ling, as they are commonly called, have a multitude of uses in the garden and this low-growing hardy...

Knautia Macedonica \'melton Pastels\' (large Plant) - 2 Knautia P...
Knautia Macedonica \'melton Pastels\' (large Plant) - 2 Knautia Plants In 1 Litre Pots: Knautia macedonica 'Melton Pastels' is favoured for its magnificent pincushion flowers in soft shades of rose,...