Vex Advanced Gear Kit
Vex Advanced Gear Kit: VEX-Advanced-Gear-Kit-VEX-276-2184-P-FONT-color-0080ff-size-3-Build-complex-mechanical-systems-FONT-P-This-kit-provides-...

Vex Iq Gear Kit
Vex Iq Gear Kit: VEX-IQ-Gear-Kit-VEX-IQ-228-2532-p-This-kit-contains-VEX-IQ-Gears-rack-gears-worm-gears-and-linear-slides-p-VEX-IQ-Gear-Kit

Vex Advanced Sensor Kit
Vex Advanced Sensor Kit: VEX-Advanced-Sensor-Kit-VEX-275-1179-The-VEX-Advanced-Sensor-Kit-provides-a-complete-mix-of-the-most-popular-VEX-sensors...

Vex Standard Gear Kit
Vex Standard Gear Kit: VEX-Standard-Gear-Set-VEX-276-2169-P-This-kit-contains-four-sizes-of-VEX-Spur-Gears-P-P-The-60-and-84-tooth-gears-have-e...

Vex Advanced Mechanics And Motion Kit
Vex Advanced Mechanics And Motion Kit: VEX-Advanced-Mechanics-and-Motion-Kit-VEX-276-2045-This-kit-from-VEX-contains-a-variety-of-mechanisms-designed-to-help-a...

Vex High Strength Gear Kit
Vex High Strength Gear Kit: VEX-High-Strength-Gear-Kit-VEX-276-2250-P-FONT-color-0080ff-size-3-Toughen-up-FONT-P-Build-mechanisms-capable-of-withsta...

Vex Programming Hardware Kit
Vex Programming Hardware Kit: VEX-Programming-Hardware-Kit-VEX-276-2186-The-VEX-Programming-Hardware-Kit-provides-a-connection-between-your-PC-and-the...

Vex Iq Gear Base Pack (pink)
Vex Iq Gear Base Pack (pink): VEX IQ Gear Base Packs - VEX IQ 228-3856, The Gear Base Pack is included in all VEX IQ Starter Kits and Super Kits and...

Vex Iq Gear Base Pack (green)
Vex Iq Gear Base Pack (green): VEX IQ Gear Base Packs - VEX IQ 228-3838, The Gear Base Pack is included in all VEX IQ Starter Kits and Super Kits and...

Vex Iq Gear Base Pack (yellow)
Vex Iq Gear Base Pack (yellow): VEX IQ Gear Base Packs - VEX IQ 228-3820, The Gear Base Pack is included in all VEX IQ Starter Kits and Super Kits and...

Vex Iq Gear Base Pack (blue)
Vex Iq Gear Base Pack (blue): VEX IQ Gear Base Packs - VEX IQ 228-3502, The Gear Base Pack is included in all VEX IQ Starter Kits and Super Kits and...

Vex Iq Gear Base Pack (purple)
Vex Iq Gear Base Pack (purple): VEX IQ Gear Base Packs - VEX IQ 228-3802, The Gear Base Pack is included in all VEX IQ Starter Kits and Super Kits and...

Vex Iq Gear Base Pack (black)
Vex Iq Gear Base Pack (black): VEX IQ Gear Base Packs - VEX IQ 228-3782, The Gear Base Pack is included in all VEX IQ Starter Kits and Super Kits and...

Vex Iq Gear Base Pack (red)
Vex Iq Gear Base Pack (red): VEX IQ Gear Base Packs - VEX IQ 228-3746, The Gear Base Pack is included in all VEX IQ Starter Kits and Super Kits and...

Vex Iq Gear Base Pack (orange)
Vex Iq Gear Base Pack (orange): VEX IQ Gear Base Packs - VEX IQ 228-3764, The Gear Base Pack is included in all VEX IQ Starter Kits and Super Kits and...

Vex Rack Gear Pack 16
Vex Rack Gear Pack 16: VEX-Rack-Gear-Pack-of-16-VEX-276-1957-p-These-VEX-rack-gears-can-be-used-to-turn-rotary-motion-into-linear-motion-p-VEX-...

Vex Rack Gear (16-pack)
Vex Rack Gear (16-pack): VEX-276-4782-Rack-Gear-Pack-of-16-VEX-276-4782-P-Now-with-a-new-design-P-P-VEX-rack-gears-can-be-used-to-turn-rotary-mot...

Vex Linear Motion Kit
Vex Linear Motion Kit: VEX Linear Motion Kit - VEX 276-1926, The VEX Linear Motion Kit provides a method for VEX builders to create linear...

Vex Turntable Bearing Kit
Vex Turntable Bearing Kit: Vex-Turntable-Bearing-Kit-VEX-276-1810-The-VEX-Turntable-Bearing-Kit-provides-two-options-for-low-friction-high-load-rot...

Vex Swerve Drive Kit
Vex Swerve Drive Kit: VEX-Swerve-Drive-Kit-VEX-276-0506-The-swerve-drive-kit-lets-you-build-a-unique-drive-and-steering-configuration-for-your...